Ah, the 1980s. When we were being trained to remove “data” from our lexicon in interpretive sociology. I’m wondering if this would be a good article..
Category: big data

In the special issue of Social Media + Society, authors re-envision frameworks for ethics in the 21st century, focusing on ethics as method and methods as ethic.

The mid-2016 case of the OKCupid data release provides an opportunity for educators to revisit pedagogical approaches and to confront data ethics problems head on. It’s a call to rethink and revise outdated and generalized top down requirements, forms with checklists, and standardized (and therefore seemingly irrelevant) training and to shift to more proactive models for research integrity.
“Undermining Data”: My favorite article title to date Annette Markham [addtoany] So check out my article in the October 2013 issue of First Monday. In this article, I take issue with our overuse of the term ‘data’ both in everyday life and in scientific research institutions. I look at the rhetorical power of the term, emphasizing […]