GT Fridays (that’s Grounded Theory Book Club)
Annette Markham
This year, I’m hosting Grounded Theory, or GT Fridays at Aarhus University. This book club is open to anyone who’s interested, and the best news is that if you’re a PhD student, you can get credit for participating!
Let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll send more details.
Book club starts Sept. 11, 2015
Meanwhile, here are the basics:
“Grounded theory” is a widely used approach for emergent, exploratory inquiry. While it can be a robust framework, the concept is sometimes (often) applied with only a superficial understanding of its conceptual history and development.
Grounded theory has been debated, adjusted, refined, and reconsidered over the past several decades. Contemporary use of grounded theory should take into account the ways in which Glaser and Strauss’ original formulations have been revised and refined. So, although the phrase “grounded theory” has strong rhetorical value because it is well known, it can become a stronger framework if conceptualized within its contemporary school of thought.
Importantly, it is not a method that stands on its own, but comprises a family of methods. It is useful to consider how researchers combine GT with other qualitative methods for collecting, managing, analyzing, and interpreting empirical materials. Particularly in 21st Century social contexts, it may be valuable to explore various “emergent methods” as a crucial part of the overall grounded theory approach.
Modeled after the idea of a book club, this course focuses on new concepts, assumptions, and techniques within grounded theory as well as emergent/innovative mixed method practices. We’ll have 7 meetings Fall 2015 to talk about chapters from this excellent source:
Participants can get 3, 4, or 6 ECTS credits, depending on whether they want to be a low, medium, or high level participant.
Location: Nygaard 1st floor library, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N.
Time: 11:00 – 15:00, with a lunch break (time is negotiable, depending on participants)
Dates in 2015: Sept 11, 25; Oct 2, 9; Nov 13, 20; Dec 18
5 replies on “GT Fridays (that’s Grounded Theory Book Club)”
i recommended that my student who is working on grounded theory in relation to twitter and military in canada follow along a bit, so if you could encourage a few postings…
In case that I get my employment in the position – phd.
I am very interested in paticipating from november the first 2015.
Will that be a posibility?
Best regards
Laila Jensen
If you want to participate, it’s best if you start from the beginning, otherwise it might not be as useful. You don’t have to be officially a PhD student to participate. We welcome all interested participants!
Hello Annette
I’m Dr. Hunsinger’s PhD student (re: his note above). I’d love to get involved. I’m based in Canada, so we’d need to figure out how to do the meetings.
I think we can manage it. we might have to build in a blog or chat environment to accommodate the distance.