
Reading List for “Pathways to Meaning” August 2013

Reading List for “Pathways to Meaning” August 2013 Annette Markham [addtoany] Lori Kendall and I are teaching a PhD course in a few weeks called “Pathways to Meaning.”  It’s an exercise-based course, where participants get to learn more about and practice some specific analytical tools, as well as play with different empirical approaches.   Here’s […]


Notes from my talk in Helsinki

Notes from my talk in Helsinki Annette Markham [addtoany] Just finished this talk: Boundary Work: Ethnographic methods for social media research. All my talks are beginning to overlap, which is not a bad thing. Just another sign that everything relates to everything else. For my ppt images plus notes, click here. (4.4 MB. Lots of […]


What is the “field” in virtual research contexts?

What is the “field” in virtual research contexts? Annette Markham [addtoany] This is an old topic. And in fact, an old excerpt from a talk I gave in Trondheim, Norway, in 2002.  But I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and I wonder how this gets modified when applied to social media contexts, beyond […]


Remix Methods talk at Transforming Audiences 3, London 2011

Remix Methods talk at Transforming Audiences 3, London 2011 Annette Markham [addtoany] Here are slides from my presentation at the Transforming Audiences conference in London on September 2, 2011. It’s a rough sketch of my argument in 13 minutes. I had an excellent time doing it, got a decent question from Sonia Livingstone, and some […]


Briefly, about practice theory and organizing.

Briefly, about practice theory and organizing. Annette Markham [addtoany] Reading about practice theory (or practice based studies) applied to organization studies. Nice overview of the path of practice based thinking by Silvia Gherardi, writing an Introduction to a special issue of Management Learning called “The Critical Power of the ‘Practice Lens’” Notable in this introduction […]