Being physically near others feels sociable. But one of the hallmarks of the internet age is that we recognized you don’t need physical presence to be socially present with others.
Category: general
Ah, the 1980s. When we were being trained to remove “data” from our lexicon in interpretive sociology. I’m wondering if this would be a good article..

I’m offering a project based ethnography course next semester (spring 2015), which involves real empirical research experience for Masters level students.

Late November is an appropriately gloomy time to gather in a wild and windy retreat to contemplate what constitutes ‘transgressive methods,’ ‘academic inquiry,’ and ‘innovation’ in ’21st Century research practice.’
Join us Summer 2015 in Aarhus University for a great (we think) PhD course: Visuality, culture, methods: Exploring the aesthetics of possibilities. The course will include lectures, fieldwork during the Aarhus Northside music festival, and post festival production.
The dialogue of evidence: A Summary
The dialogue of evidence: A Summary Annette Markham [addtoany] In 1994, the Western Journal of Communication produced a special issue (V58, N1) called “The dialogue of evidence: A topic revisited.” This special issue revisited a previous special issue by the same journal (volume 41, issue 1, 1977 Western Journal of Speech Communication). This 1994 special issue […]
Figuring control in the algorithmic era
Control. What does this term mean in the 21st Century of networked sociality and digital information tangles?
Metaphors of Internet: Tool, Place, Way of Being (the 2003 version) Annette Markham [addtoany] This is an unpublished article I wrote in 2003. I am currently revising it to update it, but actually, I have realized that the baseline concepts and overall framework are still quite useful. I’d be interested in how others might apply […]
What would Malinowski do? Rethinking fieldwork in social media. Annette Markham [addtoany] [this is a work in progress for publication later this year in Qualitative Communication Research, so it will change frequently. Comments and suggestions welcome! Also note, i have not included the works cited list yet, but eventually it will be there.] In qualitative […]
Seminar Series in Umea 2013-2014
Seminar Series in Umea 2013-2014 Annette Markham [addtoany] Description: This seminar series began in September 2013 and continues to May 2014. Held once a month, most of the seminars are on Friday afternoon in the MITHuset (see schedule below). Afterwards, we often go out for “after work” somewhere in the city center. This seminar series […]