Being physically near others feels sociable. But one of the hallmarks of the internet age is that we recognized you don’t need physical presence to be socially present with others.
Category: Goffman

Interaction in digital contexts: persistent characteristics Annette Markham [addtoany] How does digital media influence the enactment of self, the interplay of self and other, and the construction of meaning in context? This is a key question in thinking about the dramaturgy of digital experience, which is also the title of a chapter I’m working on […]
Symbolic Interaction, Network Analysis, and Social Media Annette Markham [addtoany] Simon Lindgren and I have finally finished a draft of a new article. Forthcoming, after revisions, in Studies in Symbolic Interaction, volume 39 (anticipated 2012). Any comments welcome! Here’s a PDF of the draft copy. Abstract Below: In spite of the seeming incompatibility of network […]
Dramaturgical Approach: What’s different about digital experience? Annette Markham [addtoany] I’m working on a chapter on Dramaturgy and Digital Experience and I’m working out how to structure the frame for the piece. I thought it might be useful to brainstorm here, as well as talk about the key question for me, which is: What makes […]