Explore visual culture and methods with us! To enact and explore ideas about visual culture, visual methods, and aesthetic futures, we build the course around the Northside music festival in Aarhus. The course begins two days prior to the festival, when we’ll meet in a classroom environment. Then, during the festival we will use the festival as a laboratory for different types of empirical studies. We will focus on the exploration of how visual impressions and expressions, including digital visual media (such as Instagram, mobile camera, website) interweaves with (maybe reinforces, maybe contradicts?)the participant’s experience of the music festival.
Category: teaching

What’s the difference between writing for process and writing for product or publication? I am asked this methods question frequently enough to respond in a blogpost.

Our first annual summer school will be held August 11-22, 2014, in Aarhus, Denmark. A lineup of fantastic international scholars will give lectures, facilitate workshops, and engage in creative making with students.