Our first annual summer school will be held August 11-22, 2014, in Aarhus, Denmark. A lineup of fantastic international scholars will give lectures, facilitate workshops, and engage in creative making with students.
Tag: social media
From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I Annette Markham [addtoany] (FirstĀ of a four-part essay on my recent thoughts about using a network perspective in qualitative studies of internet-related contexts) Maybe it’s the pretty pictures generated by big data. Maybe it’s the impulse to unfocus the analytic gaze from location to locomotion. Whatever. The […]
Why Facebook changes matter more than we think. Part II Annette Markham [addtoany] To continue the point I was making in my last post, I see this Facebook Timeline video (and the rest of the recent FB changes) as a wake up call of sorts. With the Timeline feature, Facebook is promoting itself not just […]
Notes from my talk in Helsinki
Notes from my talk in Helsinki Annette Markham [addtoany] Just finished this talk: Boundary Work: Ethnographic methods for social media research. All my talks are beginning to overlap, which is not a bad thing. Just another sign that everything relates to everything else. For my ppt images plus notes, click here. (4.4 MB. Lots of […]