Metaphors of Internet: Tool, Place, Way of Being (the 2003 version) Annette Markham [addtoany] This is an unpublished article I wrote in 2003. I am currently revising it to update it, but actually, I have realized that the baseline concepts and overall framework are still quite useful. I’d be interested in how others might apply […]
Author: Annette Markham
“Undermining Data”: My favorite article title to date Annette Markham [addtoany] So check out my article in the October 2013 issue of First Monday. In this article, I take issue with our overuse of the term ‘data’ both in everyday life and in scientific research institutions. I look at the rhetorical power of the term, emphasizing […]

Seminars in Estonia: “social science 2.0: methods and ethics” Annette Markham [addtoany] This week, I’m skipping the Aarhus University holiday week to teach a PhD course in Estonia. One might ask, “What were you thinking!?” ….In fact, I asked myself this question about a dozen times last week as I was getting ready. I’m looking […]
What would Malinowski do? Rethinking fieldwork in social media. Annette Markham [addtoany] [this is a work in progress for publication later this year in Qualitative Communication Research, so it will change frequently. Comments and suggestions welcome! Also note, i have not included the works cited list yet, but eventually it will be there.] In qualitative […]
Seminar Series in Umea 2013-2014
Seminar Series in Umea 2013-2014 Annette Markham [addtoany] Description: This seminar series began in September 2013 and continues to May 2014. Held once a month, most of the seminars are on Friday afternoon in the MITHuset (see schedule below). Afterwards, we often go out for “after work” somewhere in the city center. This seminar series […]
Reading List for “Pathways to Meaning” August 2013 Annette Markham [addtoany] Lori Kendall and I are teaching a PhD course in a few weeks called “Pathways to Meaning.” It’s an exercise-based course, where participants get to learn more about and practice some specific analytical tools, as well as play with different empirical approaches. Here’s […]
To encourage people to think less about labels and more about practice, I started using the concept of remix. Then, I started using less heavy (in terms of baggage) terms to get under the surface of methods like ‘data collection,’ ‘data analysis,’ ‘findings,’ and so forth…
Remix is a term that came into usage in the late 20th century to refer to the practice and product of taking samples form audio tracks and putting them together in new and creative ways.
The past three decades mark tremendous growth in digital social interaction, from early experiments in virtual reality, text-based communities, and role playing games to today’s saturation in social media, where we are always on, tethered to mobile devices, enacting what Nielson in 2012 labeled “Generation C” (for connected)…
The form and cultural practice of remix offers a lens through which we may be able to better grapple with the complexity of social contexts characterized by ubiquitous internet, always-connected mobile devices, dense global communication networks, fragments of information flow, and temporal and ad hoc community formations.