Being disconnected from digital media puts the body in doubt or bring on sudden vulnerability, since there’s no continual Other with whom you’re bouncing off continual information pings. In essence, in the digital era, we echo-locate the self.
Category: featured
We picked the 2017 Guest Professors for the Digital Living Summer University at Aarhus University. Welcome Dr. Terri Senft and Dr. Crystal Abidin

Reflexivity. We toss this word around as a key part of qualitative methods. I have been revisiting the term for a course I’m teaching. Here, I refresh my thinking by returning to some writing I published in 2009. This is a remix of some of those ideas.

Remix and bricolage are often used synonymously. In this keyword entry for the forthcoming edited collection, Keywords in Remix Studies, I provide a selective history of ‘bricolage’ as used to describe various post-X approaches in the social and humanistic sciences.