In the special issue of Social Media + Society, authors re-envision frameworks for ethics in the 21st century, focusing on ethics as method and methods as ethic.

In the special issue of Social Media + Society, authors re-envision frameworks for ethics in the 21st century, focusing on ethics as method and methods as ethic.
Focus on conceptual and methodological frameworks for studying the use of digital media or digital technologies in everyday life, studying digital or virtual culture, or studying social contexts that are digitally-saturated.
This course addresses the centrality of methodological decision-making as a part of ethically grounded, context-sensitive research conduct.
What’s the difference between writing for process and writing for product or publication? I am asked this methods question frequently enough to respond in a blogpost.
Why can’t I find a qualitative methods textbook that adequately represents the challenge of doing research in/with/of what we might call the digital, technological, internet, online, or networked? Here’s my short answer.
Study “Digital Living” at Aarhus University Fall 2014 Annette Markham [addtoany] Interested in social and mobile media? Do you care about how technologies impact social and work life? International MA or MS: Digital Living Aarhus University Application deadline: March 15 (April 1 for Danish residents) Notification of Acceptance: early May 2014 Start Date: 1 September 2014 […]
Seminars in Estonia: “social science 2.0: methods and ethics” Annette Markham [addtoany] This week, I’m skipping the Aarhus University holiday week to teach a PhD course in Estonia. One might ask, “What were you thinking!?” ….In fact, I asked myself this question about a dozen times last week as I was getting ready. I’m looking […]
Remix is a term that came into usage in the late 20th century to refer to the practice and product of taking samples form audio tracks and putting them together in new and creative ways.
The form and cultural practice of remix offers a lens through which we may be able to better grapple with the complexity of social contexts characterized by ubiquitous internet, always-connected mobile devices, dense global communication networks, fragments of information flow, and temporal and ad hoc community formations.
Qualitative Analysis as Sensory Performance Annette Markham [addtoany] I am reading about synaesthesia, the blending or blurring of senses that happens when one becomes particularly attenuated to a way of knowing that eludes a single sense. I’ve been thinking about this for years, actually, drawing inspiration from naturalist writers like David Abrams or Diane Ackerman, […]