August 29-30, look for the Museum of Random Memory’s latest installation at Godsbanen, in Aarhus Denmark. This time, we’re talking about data degradation, future memory, and ethics.
Category: Ethics

In the special issue of Social Media + Society, authors re-envision frameworks for ethics in the 21st century, focusing on ethics as method and methods as ethic.
Notes and images from talk on Data Stewardship at Social Media & Society Conference preconference at Ryerson University. Impact method for Data Ethics.
I gave a keynote last week for the 2017 Death Online Research Symposium. To wrap up, as the fourth (of four) keynotes, I focused the discussion on techniques and vocabularies for doing research of sensitive topics, or in precarious situations

The mid-2016 case of the OKCupid data release provides an opportunity for educators to revisit pedagogical approaches and to confront data ethics problems head on. It’s a call to rethink and revise outdated and generalized top down requirements, forms with checklists, and standardized (and therefore seemingly irrelevant) training and to shift to more proactive models for research integrity.
Fair use of images in scholarly publishing Annette Markham [addtoany] Fair use of images in scholarly publishing is an important issue to put on the front burner. As Patricia Aufderheide and her colleagues at American University’s Center for Social Media remind us, confusion about copyright and fair use creates a culture of fear. As a […]
Finally going to press, the Fabrication Article. Annette Markham [addtoany] Well, unless someone points out some egregious errors, I’m going to send this article off tomorrow for publication in Information, Communication, and Society (promises to be out before the end of the year!) Abstract: In this article, I briefly touch on some of the ethical […]
Fabrication as ethical performance Annette Markham [addtoany] Traditional journalistic and sociological practice considers a person’s words to be freely available–if uttered publicly or with permission–to analyze and quote, as long as we anonymize the source. Prior to the internet, researchers took for granted the ability to safely store fieldnotes, interview transcripts, demographic data, and other […]